General terms and conditions

We strongly advise you to read them carefully before purchasing any product from our site. Making a purchase signifies that you automatically accept our terms and conditions.

Age Restrictions: You must be at least 18 years old to purchase a product from this website. By placing an order, you confirm that you are the person whose name you provided and that you are 18 years of age or older. You understand that providing false information is an offense. You confirm that you will not provide our products to anyone whom you believe may be under 18 years of age. Trusted Tablets reserves the right to cancel an order or refuse to sell a product to anyone suspected of being under 18 years old.

Products and Goods: By purchasing and/or using any service/product sold by us, you agree that it is solely intended for research purposes. By conducting any form of research using any product we sell, you agree to use well-equipped facilities, with all necessary equipment and safety procedures in place. You also agree to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment of any product we sell and not to engage in or authorize actions that could increase the risk of harm to individuals or property.

Air Shipping Purchase: By purchasing the air shipping method, you agree that as a result, your order will not be delivered for any reason, and Trusted Tablets will not be held responsible, and no compensation in any form will be provided.

Tracked Shipping Purchase: By choosing the tracked shipping method, there is no insurance, and you agree that as a result, your order will not be delivered for any reason, and Trusted Tablets will not be held responsible, and no compensation in any form will be provided. If you want your order to be delivered, you must select the insured shipping method.

Tracked/Insured Shipping Purchase: By purchasing the tracked/insured shipping method, you agree that as a result, if your order is not delivered after a period of 20 business days from the day of shipment, we will make arrangements to reship your order free of charge by standard mail only. Exempted from reshipment are orders where the postal service could not complete delivery due to incorrect delivery information provided or when the postal service left a notice of delivery attempt and you, the customer, did not follow the information left by the delivery office. Only one free reshipment will be offered for any order. Any order confiscated by customs will not be reshipped as it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that ALL ordered items are legal in their country. If an order is seized by customs, the customer must pursue the customs service of their country as it is assumed prior to shipment that you have checked the legal status of your order and that all products are legal. Countries that will not receive free reshipment and are classified as high-risk due to high seizure rates are Sweden, Brazil, and Indonesia. In all these countries, the customer purchases at their own risk without any compensation to be given.

If a tracked order is signed and delivered, we will assume that the package has been successfully delivered. If you have not received your package and the tracker indicates it has been delivered or handed over to the customer at the post office pickup point, it is your responsibility to contact the postal service and make a claim as Trusted Tablets will not contact the postal service on your behalf. Once the postal service confirms in writing that the package has not been delivered, please send us a copy of the letter, and we will reship your order.

Countries Excluded from Reshipment Guarantee: Countries that will not receive free reshipment due to high seizure rates are Finland, Australia, and Indonesia. In all these countries, the customer purchases at their own risk without any compensation to be given regardless of how the order is shipped.

Claims for Incorrect or Missing Items: Any claim for missing goods in the order, wrong item delivered, or any anomaly in your order must be submitted in writing within 7 days of the delivery date. Please send full details of your claim to and provide clear images of the received items with packaging.

Order Payment: All orders must be paid in full before orders are shipped. Once payment is received in full, your order will be processed for delivery on the next business day if payment is received after the daily cut-off time for that day.